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...CHP investigates 188 confirmed and 30 asymptomatic additional SARS-CoV-2 virus cases with 943 pending cases status...
    Publish Date: 2022-02-09
    ... Burkina Faso 2703 138 5.1% 68 Burundi 662 48 7.3% 1 Cabo Verde 10234 943 9.2% 104 Cambodia 306 11 3.6% 0 Cameroon 23528 1186 5.0% 435 Canada 320719 64910 20.2% 11334 Cayman Islands 261 11 4.2% 2 Central African Republic 4911 32 0.7% 63 Chad 1633 90 5.5% 101 Chile 539143 19166 3.6% 15030...
    Publish Date: 2020-11-23
    ... Kyrgyzstan 195820 9755 5.0% 2851 Lao People's Democratic Republic 129953 11073 8.5% 526 Latvia 335541 47690 14.2% 4795 Lebanon 865229 91049 10.5% 9487 Lesotho 32049 943 2.9% 690 Liberia 7243 392 5.4% 289 Libya 405425 11978 3.0% 5921 Liechtenstein 7874 981 12.5% 68 Lithuania 612500 68140...
    Publish Date: 2022-01-25
    ... 5374288 532980 9.9% 101881 French Guiana 18261 943 5.2% 96 French Polynesia 18720 87 0.5% 141 Gabon 22032 2169 9.8% 136 Gambia 5784 220 3.8% 170 Georgia 299038 13393 4.5% 3971 Germany 3188192 277747 8.7% 80634 Ghana 91783 774 0.8% 772 Gibraltar 4291 16 0.4% 94 Greece 320629 39059 12.2...
    Publish Date: 2021-04-22
    ... 7508 4.5% 29893 法屬圭亞那 4444 2686 60.4% 16 法屬波利尼西亞 62 2 3.2% 0 加蓬 5513 1173 21.3% 42 岡比亞 55 19 34.5% 2 格魯吉亞 943 48 5.1% 15 德國 195674 7140 3.6% 9003 加納 18134 5205 28.7% 117 直布羅陀 178 2 1.1% 0 希臘 3458 231 6.7% 192 格陵蘭 13 0 0.0% 0 格林納達 23 0 0.0% 0 瓜地洛普 182 11 6.0% 14 關島 272 87 32.0...
    Publish Date: 2020-07-06
    ... - 40 - Table 10.1 (Cont’d) This quarter (Jan - Mar 2018) Last quarter (Oct - Dec 2017) Same quarter last year (Jan - Mar 2017) In year 2017 Gonorrhoea 339 351 457 1,593 Non-gonococcal urethritis (Male) 678 786 943 3,466 Non-specific genital infection (Female) 434 520 594 2,374...
    Publish Date: 2018-06-21
    ...%) 943 (86.1%) 1 658 (79.4%) Three or more times per day 29 (2.9%) 50 (4.6%) 79 (3.8%) Total 993 (100.0%) 1 095 (100.0%) 2 088 (100.0%) Note: Add-ups may not be equal to total due to rounding.   ...
      Publish Date: 2017-12-28
      ... years with chronic illness; 31 for pregnant women; 415 for healthcare workers; 943 for children aged between six months and less than six years; and 17 for pig farmers and slaughterhouse workers. This brings to 7,504 the cumulative total of HSI jabs administered since the start of the vaccination...
        Publish Date: 2009-12-22
        ...索 2703 138 5.1% 68 布隆迪 662 48 7.3% 1 佛得角 10234 943 9.2% 104 柬埔寨 306 11 3.6% 0 喀麥隆 23528 1186 5.0% 435 加拿大 320719 64910 20.2% 11334 開曼群島 261 11 4.2% 2 中非共和國 4911 32 0.7% 63 乍得 1633 90 5.5% 101 智利 539143 19166 3.6% 15030 哥倫比亞 1233444 105711 8.6% 34929 科摩羅 592 35 5.9% 7 剛果 5632...
        Publish Date: 2020-11-23
        ... 320229 11099 3.5% 5554 韓國 749979 79496 10.6% 6588 科索沃 181403 18769 10.3% 2988 科威特 497454 63535 12.8% 2486 吉爾吉斯斯坦 195820 9755 5.0% 2851 老撾 129953 11073 8.5% 526 拉脫維亞 335541 47690 14.2% 4795 黎巴嫩 865229 91049 10.5% 9487 萊索托 32049 943 2.9% 690 利比里亞 7243 392 5.4% 289 利比亞 405425 11978 3.0...
        Publish Date: 2022-01-25